安诺卡技术学院医疗接待员文凭课程为学生准备了广泛的技术和沟通技巧,这些技能需要在今天的医疗办公室工作环境中取得成功,并具体学习医学术语, electronic health records software, and medical office procedures.

Learningoptions Blk

Program offered completely online with part-time options

Training Blk

Training from industry experts

Advancement Blk

High growth rate compared to other careers in Minnesota

Potential Jobs:

  • Medical Receptionist
  • Receptionist
  • Medical Office Specialist

Salary Information:
Median Wage: $22.94
Top Earners: $23.97

Information provided is for Minnesota. See current data at careerwise.minnstate.edu.

Program Details

Program Details (pdf)


该课程为学生提供了广泛的技术和沟通技巧,这些技能是在今天的医疗办公室工作环境中取得成功所必需的,并对医学术语进行了具体的研究, electronic health records software, and medical office procedures.

课程作业包括实践管理软件,包括设置患者预约, maintaining physicians’ calendars, billing, and messaging, 以及在医疗环境中必要的特定人际沟通技巧. 学生将获得文字处理、电子表格、数据库和演示软件的能力.

Keyboarding speed and accuracy is developed while grammar, punctuation and writing skills are polished. 学生学习簿记理论,学习总账软件,为一般簿记或应收帐款或应付帐款职位做准备. Graduates are well prepared for employment in any medical office environment.

作为一名医疗办公室专家,你的目标是为病人提供优质的客户服务. 医疗办公室专家帮助保持病人和部门的时间表顺利进行. Job duties may include greeting and checking in patients, collecting insurance information, retrieving medical records, filing patient forms, answering phones, and scheduling appointments, verifying insurance coverage, collecting co-pays, recording payments, and scheduling any necessary follow-up appointments.


  1. 在工作场所定义和认识商务礼仪和专业精神,并在课堂互动和沟通中展示这些技能,如电子邮件和讨论板.
  2. Show basic keyboarding competency.
  3. 运用必要的办公软件,包括文件管理, e-mail, calendaring, search engines, word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software.
  4. Use medical practice management software (scheduling, billing, and insurance) to enter front office, clinical care, and coding information, as well as claim forms, financial policies, and collections.
  5. 根据联邦政府的规定,在医疗保健社区内确定患者保密的法律和道德标准和原则, state, 以及当地的指导方针和法规,并认识到什么是《vns85978威尼斯城官网》(HIPAA),以及不遵守法律的后果.
  6. 了解电子健康记录的历史和标准,并使用电子健康记录软件.
  7. Identify and define prefixes, roots, and suffixes to develop a vocabulary of medical terms and abbreviations. 识别主要的身体结构和功能,加强基本的解剖学和生理学知识.
  8. 运用中级到高级的微软Word技能来创建和编辑传单, letters, and reports using templates, mail merge, and building blocks.
  9. 运用中级到高级的ppt技能来创建展示适当设计技术的商业演示文稿.
  10. 运用中级到高级的Microsoft Excel技能,使用公式和函数来创建和编辑工作表, workbooks, charts and graphics, lookup tables, pivot tables, and charts as used in business scenarios.
  11. 运用中级到高级的Microsoft Access技能来练习如何计划, design, create, and query a database, generate reports, 并在识别正确的数据库设计概念的同时生成输入用户表单.
  12. 应用会计原则,因为它们与企业办公室簿记场景有关. 通过使用QuickBooks应用簿记功能完成一个会计模拟.
  13. 实践如何整合Office 365软件,实现高效办公.
  14. Recognize and use correct mechanics, grammar, punctuation, and usage appropriate for professional business communications.
  15. Express thoughts clearly, concisely, 并且通过始终如一地使用正确的格式和信息方法(直接),适当地使用口头和书面格式, indirect).
  16. 熟练掌握键盘输入的速度和准确性,并了解正确的文档格式.
  17. Demonstrate knowledge of roles and functions of various professionals; collaborate and problem-solve as part of the office team.

In this fast-growing health care field, the medical receptionist functions in physicians’ offices, health clinics, outpatient facilities, medical laboratories, hospitals, health insurance companies, medical supplies and equipment businesses, and pharmaceutical companies.

工作职责/技能可能包括:转录医疗文件/报告, composing and processing correspondence, accounting payments and posting charges, coding of diagnoses and procedures, processing insurance claims, coordinating patient care, scheduling patient appointments, recording and relaying messages, maintaining various financial records, maintaining patient files, making calls for physicians and other healthcare personnel, arranging hospital admissions, scheduling surgeries, using automated record system to access, entering and editing patient information, and
arranging physicians’ meetings and conferences.

Wage information is available from the Minnesota Department of Education and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

Program Sequence

Some courses in this program may require a prerequisite. Please see course descriptions for more details.

Fall Semester 17
ADSC 1003 Introduction to Keyboarding and Speedbuilding 2
ADSC 1055 Electronic Health Records 2
ADSC 1197 Microsoft Word 2
ADSC 1283 Medical Office Procedures 4
COMM 1055 Strength and Wellness (Goal 2) 3
COMP 1002 Computer Technologies for the Workplace 2
Spring Semester 16
ADSC 1010 Keyboarding I 3
ADSC 1031 Business English Skills
ADSC 1142 Integrated Software Applications 4
ADSC 1171 Microsoft Excel 2
ADSC 1206 Written Business Communications 4
Fall Semester 15
ADSC 1045 Administrative Office Procedures  4
ADSC 1054 Administrative Office Procedures  4
ADSC 1162 Microsoft PowerPoint 2
ADSC 1181 Microsoft Access 2
HITM 1110 Medical Terminology in Health Information 3

Students can choose to complete the Medical Receptionist program part-time. 非全日制学生比全日制学生需要更长的时间来完成他们的课程. Because every course may not be offered each semester, 对于兼职学生来说,向他们的指导老师寻求帮助来规划他们的长期计划是很重要的, part-time course sequence.

Below, new students can find the first semester part-time course options. 第一学期结束后,与指导老师一起规划未来的学期. 

First Semester Course Options

ADSC 1003, COMM 1055, COMP 1002

View Course Schedule


Students must earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher to be eligible for graduation from this program.


Enrollment Services

Current Students

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Students must earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher to be eligible for graduation from this program.

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Start Dates:

Fall semester: August
Spring semester: January

Upcoming Events:

Collegewide Virtual Information Session
  10 AM to 11 AM

Important Dates:

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